The great escape

The moment I sit in the bus and get ready for the commute process, I get excited because within that particular window of time from when I leave my place and reach the everyday destination, I find a complete change in everything in my vicinity. The understanding of everything as an object, flies somewhere and somehow that time and tune fills everything with life and takes me to a different perspective of the world around us. Is this the thing I crave for? Or is it something that I want to achieve? Because everything touches the inside of me everyday, only because of that particular tune, or is it just a medium of escape for me? It is because of all the moments with those I care about, flash into my mind and sums up in a five minute session, I can’t pay attention to objectivity of the neglected materials around me.

I see the life in things and smile in blinks with frills in flower and chills in devour. To keep that moment in my eyes without any regrets is my goal, before I fall into the pit that people call the worry hole. Because I need things to tell my future, to keep them safe, to keep them nurtured. I bow down to the object’s beauty, because keeping your integrity is my eternal duty.

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